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Showing posts from August, 2015

Stop Fighting with Your Brother!!!!

If you have more than one child, or have siblings, you know that kids who grow up together fight.  Mine certainly do.  No matter how much they love each other, they also get under each other’s skin like no other human on earth.  They are unique individuals with different ideas, intentions and their own package of experiences to draw from.  In my house, that means my confident, passionate kids often reach gridlock trying to lead the other through creative ideas for play. They might spend hours together playing quite happily until the fireworks start.  Mom or Dad then display the black and white referee uniform yelling “time out” or “stay away from each other” -  over and over again.  It is that day when it seems it is only our own kids who don’t get along and as we sink into our failure as a parent, begin to dream of a nanny, a sandy beach and a pina colada ( or 10). Today was that day for me.   After raising my voice a few times and sepa...