Preparing for my participation in the Refresh 2013 event, I kept thinking about the pivotal time in my life when a series of events forced me to refresh my goals and self image. This story of my reinvention adventure was published in Chicken Soup, Finding Your Happiness . What Do You Do? by Sheri Gammon Dewling “We think she has pneumonia again – you need to come get her,” said the Daycare provider who was caring for my eighteen month old daughter. “I’m on my way, “I assured her and turned back to my computer screen. Staring back at me was an incomplete sales proposal I was preparing for an upcoming pitch. My first thought was, “come on ... how am I going to get this proposal done in time”. I got in the car and tears rolled down my face when I realised how wrong I was. My baby was sick again and she needed me. It was the second time she had pneumonia in two months, after six months of ear infections, high fevers and a per...
short stories, life experiences, business ideas
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