Depression lies to us about who we are. It tricks us into believing negative self-talk, and then tries to make us too tired to fight back. It makes our bodies ache to discourage the physical activity that would create endorphins so needed to quiet the negative noise. Depression may tell us to either starve or over-feed our bodies, both attempts to skew our self-image. Depression lies to us, and sometimes we listen. I know depression. I used to be afraid to admit our acquaintance. In my 20s it would visit infrequently. I called it something else until I met it more often and our relationship grew. In my early 30s it was called S.A.D. (Seasonal Affected Disorder). Turns out my body likes sunshine. Once I left my retail travel career with 4 Caribbean jaunts each winter, my Doctor noticed a pattern of symptoms and a subsequent treatment plan was initiated. In my late 30s we became intimately acquainted, after ea...
short stories, life experiences, business ideas
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