It has taken me a few months to get back to this blog series. A friend posted a FaceBook status recently, providing motivation. She talked about her displeasure in the overuse and positioning of the word ‘authentic’. “Be your authentic self.” We have heard Dr. Phil and Oprah use this quote, wrapping entire episodes of their television shows around the understanding and pursuit of that statement. This concept is not new. It is just a new tag phrase wrapped around teachings most of us experienced throughout our lives. My parents would say, “he/she is true blue”, meaning that they could be counted on to be themselves – implying a trustworthy experience. As they guided me through building my character, I would often be faced with dilemmas of conscience – learning to balance the line between right and wrong. It was not unusual for them to remind me of a quote from Shakespeare’s play, Hamlet; “to thine own self be true” . Wha...
short stories, life experiences, business ideas